What is the multiplication tables check and how can you prepare

The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is a key stage 2 statutory assessment. This check is taken by children in June at the end of year 4. The The Multiplication Tables Check’s purpose is to ensure that each child’s times tables knowledge is at the expected level.

The Multiplication Times Tables Check is an online test where each pupil is asked 25 questions on times tables 2 to 12. Children are given 6 seconds to answer every question and in between each question, each child will get a 3-second rest. So the test should last less than five minutes.

How can I help my child prepare?

Preparing for the multiplication tables check in Year 4 involves a combination of practice, understanding, and memorisation. We recommending to start preparing early and try and build a daily short routine practising the times tables. With regular practice your child will learn all the questions and become confident with their times tables.

1. Use a multiplication poster

Children are visual learners, by putting up a multiplication poster, you will be surprised how quick their brains will absorb their times table. We have a multiplication square poster that can be bought as part of a bundle of posters here.

    Educational posters

    2. Understand multiplication concepts

    Make sure you understand the concept of multiplication and its relationship to addition. Practice solving multiplication problems using different methods such as repeated addition and skip counting.

    3. Practice regularly

    Dedicate regular time each day to practice multiplication. Repetition is crucial for memorisation. Use flashcards, online games or worksheets to help your child master their multiplication tables.

    4. Explore multiplication strategies

    Learn different strategies for solving multiplication problems efficiently. For example breaking down larger problems into smaller, more manageable ones.

    5. Track progress

    Keep track of your child’s progress by regularly testing your child. Identify areas where they need improvement and focus your practice on those specific tables.

    6. Stay positive and persistent

    Learning multiplication tables can be challenging, but by maintaining a positive attitude and persevering progress will be made. Celebrate your child’s progress, this will encourage them to keep pushing forward.

    Remember, consistent practice and understanding are key to success in mastering multiplication tables. Good luck to your little loved one! If you have any tips that has helped your child learn their multiplication tabels, let us know in the comments below.

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    Natalie is the co-founder and illustrator at Little Scholars Playground. She is passionate about literacy, learning, illustrating, women in STEM and the Montessori practice.

    Developmental milestones: what to expect in your child’s first Year

    Welcome to the incredible journey of parenthood! From those precious first smiles to those wobbly first steps, every moment just feels so incredible. The first year of a baby’s life is filled with remarkable milestones, each one marking a new achievement and a step forward in their development. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the developmental milestones you can expect during your child’s first year. But don’t worry too much if your child isn’t meeting every milestone at a precise stage. Every child is unique—some babies will reach certain milestones sooner and others later. We will provide insights into a child’s physical, cognitive and social-emotional growth.

    Cognitive milestones

    Beneath that beautiful chubby exterior, your baby’s brain is working continuously to absorb and process information around them. In the first few months, they’ll begin to recognise familiar faces and respond to sounds and voices. As they start to approach 6 months, you might notice them reaching for objects or exploring them with their mouths. This is a sign of their growing curiosity and them beginning to understand the world around them. Around 8 to 10 months, they may start to imitate sounds and gestures, starting the process for language development. Keep engaging with your baby through talking, reading, and playing to support their cognitive growth. We have some great books and learning resources that can help to develop you child’s brain. View our books and learning resources here.

    Develop child's brain through reading books

    Physical milestones

    During the first year, your baby will undergo amazing physical transformations. In the early weeks, they will master basic movements like lifting their head and turning it from side to side. By around 6 months, they may start sitting up unassisted and at this stage they may even begin to crawl. As their muscles strengthen, they’ll start pulling themselves up to stand and eventually taking those precious first steps, usually around 9 to 12 months. Please remember, every baby develops at their own pace, so don’t be concerned if your little one takes a bit longer to reach these milestones.

    Social-emotional milestones

    Your baby’s social and emotional development is just as important as their physical and cognitive growth. From birth, they’ll seek comfort and security from you, forming a strong attachment bond. As they approach 3 to 6 months, they’ll begin to smile in response to your smiles and maybe even engage in games like peek-a-boo. By 9 months, they might show some signs of stranger anxiety, becoming wary of unfamiliar faces. This is a normal part of their emotional development. Try and encourage their social interactions by arranging playdates and exposing them to different environments.

    The first year of your child’s life is an absolute whirlwind of growth and discovery. It goes by so fast! Your baby’s first year will be filled with endless moments of joy and wonder. By understanding the developmental milestones they’ll reach during this time, you can better support and nurture their progress. Remember, every child is unique, so celebrate their individual journey and cherish each milestone they achieve. As you embark on this incredible adventure together, may you find endless delight in watching your little one grow and thrive!

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    Natalie is the co-founder and illustrator at Little Scholars Playground. She is passionate about literacy, learning, illustrating, women in STEM and the Montessori practice.

    Benefits of science activities for kids

    Children always have fun taking part in science experiments. They help to stimulate curious minds and offer a great introduction for young children to the wonders of the world around them. The early years is an important time to encourage curiosity and exploration and science experiments can help to do that.

    Engaging children in science activities offers a plethora of benefits. Here are some of the fabulous benefits of science experiments in the early years.

    Curiosity and exploration

    Science activities helps to nurture children’s natural curiosity about the world around them. Taking part in science activities and experiments encourage children to ask questions, explore, investigate and helps to foster a lifelong love for learning.

    Critical thinking and problem solving

    Through hands-on challenges and experiments, children learn to think critically and solve problems creatively. Science activities and experiments helps young children to develop analytical skills by observing, hypothesising, experimenting and coming up with a conclusion.

    Develops STEM skills and prepares children for future careers

    Science activities integrate concepts from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). They help children develop foundational skills in these areas, preparing them for future academic and career pursuits. Engaging in science activities lays the groundwork for future career paths in STEM fields. It exposes children to various scientific concepts and disciplines, helping them explore their interests and passions from an early age.

    Science for kids

    Creativity and innovation

    Science activities often involve designing and building, which helps to encourage creativity and innovation. Children learn to get creative and think outside of the box, experiment with different ideas and find unique solutions to the problem.

    Teamwork and collaboration

    Many science activities are group-oriented. This helps to promote teamwork and collaboration. Children learn to communicate effectively, share ideas, and work together towards common goals.

    Resilience and perseverance

    Science experiments don’t always go as planned, teaching children the importance of resilience and perseverance. They learn to embrace failure as a natural part of the learning process and to persist in the face of challenges.

    Environmental awareness

    Many science activities focus on topics such as sustainability, conservation, and environmental science, fostering an appreciation for the natural world.

    Science for kids. Environmental awareness for kids

    Confidence building

    Successfully completing science activities boosts children’s confidence and self-esteem. They feel a sense of accomplishment and empowerment, motivating them to take on new challenges.

    STEM activity cards for children. Science for kids

    Start your child’s science journey with our STEM activity cards or our ABC activity flashcards. Both include simple science activities and experiments using items from around the home or from the supermarket. Get your little scientist started today and shop our STEM activity cards.

    STEM Vs STEAM learning and why we’re launching art prints

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    As a business we’re moving from a core part of our business being focused on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) learning and moving towards STEAM (STEM + Art). STEAM like STEM focuses on developing a child’s critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity skills.

    STEM education focuses on the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and maths. It encourages children to develop both their analytical and technical skills, as well as helping them to solve real-world problems using scientific and mathematical principles.

    STEAM learning on the other hand, adds art into the mix. STEAM focuses on using creativity and design thinking to help solve problems. STEAM recognises and values that art and design can enhance innovation and creativity and that incorporating art into STEM can lead to more innovative and well-rounded solutions.

    Both STEM and STEAM learning have their benefits. STEM learning helps to prepare children for careers in science, technology, engineering and maths, which are all in very high demand. It also helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are useful in many fields.

    STEAM education, adds an artistic and creative element to STEM learning, allowing children to explore different ways of thinking as well as encouraging them to use their imagination. It can also lead to more diverse and innovative solutions to problems. This is because art and design thinking can offer unique perspectives that may not be immediately apparent through traditional STEM approaches.

    Incorporating art into education has a lot of benefits for children. It can help children develop their imagination, creativity and self-expression, as well as empathy and their emotional intelligence. Art and design can also provide a form of therapy and stress relief, and can be a source of joy and fulfilment for children.

    If you would like to introduce STEAM learning to your children. We have a great pack of STEM activity cards. The 32 activities and experiments are simple and fun and can be created with everyday items from around the home and the supermarket. The cards are double sided with illustrated instructions and key learnings for each activity/ experiment. You can shop our STEM activity cards here.

    STEM activity cards

    Overall, both STEM and STEAM education have their benefits, and incorporating art into education can have a lot of positive effects on children’s development and well-being. As a business we will be launching an art prints range in May and we will be talking a lot more about art. Natalie is the illustrator for the business and a qualified web and app designer, so she has lots of creative experience.

    What are your thoughts about STEAM learning? Let us know in the comments below.



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    Natalie is the co-founder and illustrator at Little Scholars Playground. She is passionate about literacy, learning, illustrating, black women in STEM and Montessori.

    Promoting independent learning using educational posters

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    When it comes to education, visual aids can be a powerful tool to enhance learning and engagement, especially for children. One type of visual aid that has proven to be effective are educational posters. Educational posters are specifically designed to display information and concepts in an engaging and visually appealing way, which can help children learn and retain information more effectively.

    Here are some of the benefits of educational posters for children:

    1. Enhancing learning: Educational posters can help to reinforce educational concepts in a visually compelling way, making them more memorable and easier to understand. Posters can also help spark curiosity and interest in learning.
    2. Encouraging engagement: Children are often drawn to colourful and visually appealing posters, which can encourage them to engage with the material and spend more time exploring and learning. The posters can create a fun and interactive learning environment, which helps to keep children interested and engaged.
    3. Improving retention: Educational posters can help to improve retention of material by presenting information in a clear and visually stimulating way. Children may be more likely to remember what they have learned when it is presented in a way that is easy to understand and engaging.
    4. Supporting language development: Educational posters can also support language development by introducing new vocabulary and concepts. By seeing and hearing new words in context, children may be more likely to remember and use them in their own language.
    5. Promoting independent learning: Educational posters can be used to create independent learning opportunities, allowing children to explore and discover new information on their own. This can help to develop critical thinking skills and foster a love of learning.

    Overall, educational posters can be a valuable tool for supporting children’s learning and development, and can help to make learning more engaging, memorable, and fun. These posters can be used in a variety of settings, including classrooms, homes, and libraries, and can benefit children of all ages and backgrounds.

    When selecting educational posters for children, it is important to choose posters that are age-appropriate and relevant to the child’s interests and learning goals. Additionally, it is important to display the posters in a prominent location where they can be easily seen and accessed by the child.

    Educational posters
    Shop our educational posters here

    In summary, educational posters can offer many benefits for children, including enhancing learning, encouraging engagement, improving retention, supporting language development, and promoting independent learning. By using educational posters as part of a comprehensive approach to learning, children can develop a lifelong love of learning and a solid foundation for academic success.




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    The author

    Natalie is the co-founder and illustrator at Little Scholars Playground. She is passionate about literacy, learning, illustrating, black women in STEM and Montessori.

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